Is Your Social Media Marketing Backwards? - The 90/10 Rule Get a FREE beach vacation entry here
Today I want to give you one really powerful tip to help you boost your results from marketing on Social Media...Specifically on YouTube.
YouTube Ninja Academy - every creator I've worked with over the years uses the following formula to create content:
1. Spend 90% of their time recording, editing, publishing and promoting their content
2. Spend 10% of their time researching market trends, keywords, and crafting titles and descriptions.
If you are one of the many using this formula, I want you to make one really simple adjustment. Going forward, the formula I want you to use is this:
1. Spend 90% of your time researching market trends, keywords, and crafting titles and descriptions.
2. Spend 10% of your time recording, editing, publishing and promoting your content.
Pretty simple change, right?
What's killing most creators on Social Media is that they spend way too much time focusing on the wrong things.
Look at my personal YouTube channel as an example. I've been able to grow from a few 100 to over 1000 subscribers in less than 2 months using the formula above.
Here's the insane part...On average, I only upload about 1 video per week.
What makes these videos highly shareable and subscribeable? The fact that they solve a very significant problem in the lives of my viewers--understanding our unique personalities and how they attract us to certain types of people, work and lifestyles.
These videos contain information that is very heavily searched for on the internet. The best part is that there are very few people on the net creating great content to solve this problem.
How do I know?
Because I spent over a month researching the issues and questions my video series is designed to address before I ever hit record on my iphone.
Here are some things I focused on in my research:
1. Search Volume - How often and how much people search for the keywords related to my topics
2. Keyword Research - What keywords and phrases searchers use specifically to research my topics
3. Competitive Analysis - What the top brands in my field were saying about these topics
4. Specific Knowledge - If I was going to answer questions, I needed to be knowledgeable on the topic
This formula can work for you regardless of the type of content you make. The key is to make sure you are focusing on the variables that will make people want to watch your videos and be able to actually find them once you publish them.
Like I told you in my initial emails...I want to give you valuable information...Not gimmicky tricks like "use the phrase 'How To' in your titles to boost search ranking." Those tips won't serve you in the long run.
Most people's failures don't happen because they don't know simple tricks, they happen because they don't understand how to win at the strategic level.
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