Grow your business with Email marketing Free entry for our beach trip go here now...
Boost your revenue by 8x in 1 year. Click is the World’s Easiest Email Marketing platform. It enables you to create a valuable marketing list of prospects, partners, and clients, so you can develop relationships with them and build a responsive and profitable customer base.
GetResponse includes all the capabilities you need for creating effective email campaigns:
Intuitive design editor, so you can create beautiful forms and newsletters in minutes
List-management tools to help you market to your contacts with razor-sharp accuracy
Unlimited autoresponder that enables you to follow up automatically with customers, providing info, offers, and all types of friendly communication.
Social media tools that give you an easy way to tap into the list-building power of social referrals
Deliverability rate of 99.5%, to make sure your campaign messages reach destination inboxes
Analytics and segmentation tools to enable you to create targeted offers to improve conversion rates
Landing Page editor with A/B testing, Inbox Preview
Developer support to help you integrate your email marketing function with other commercial and in-house software you already use
An ever-expanding array of advanced features to help you get better results from your marketing dollars.
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